Saturday, November 30, 2013

Book Giveaway Winner Beginnings

I really must start buying lottery tickets. If my winnings at book giveaways is any indication of my luck of the draw, I might win the lottery too. And then I could buy more books!

Thank you! to Elizabeth of Silver's Reviews for hosting the Guess the Desk giveaway. I am the Winner! I won, not one-but two, books from the desk of author Julie Kramer.

I will be sharing the first sentences of each of Kramer's books with you today, as my addition to the Book Beginnings on Fridays, a book blog hop hosted by Rose City Reader.

I had to wrangle Delivering Death from my housemate's hands as he had taken it from me right out of the delivery package. That title reeled him in! He says he is really enjoying the novel. Here are its beginnings...

"A guard checked a number against the ID bracelet on the man's wrist while marking his name off a clipboard as he stood in line."

And, I have to tell you, the next paragraph really reeled me in, so I will be waiting not-so-patiently for my turn at reading this Kramer novel.

Fortunately, I am just as thrilled with the second book title I received from Julie Kramer: Shunning Sarah, a novel of murder and an Amish community.

I have always been intrigued by Amish stories, in books and movies, as well, so this one grabbed me immediately. Sharing first from the book's Prologue...

"The missing face unnerved me. No eyes, nose, or mouth lent personality to the cloth doll clutched by the little Amish girl."

And the first few sentences from Chapter 1...

     "What do you smell, Bowser?"
     Josh Kueppers, wearing a neon orange stocking hat and carrying a shotgun, chased after his dog.
     "Maybe bear?"

Now, tell me, which of these novels from the desk of author Julie Kramer do you plan to purchase first?


  1. Wow....CONGRATS, Ruth!!

    Two books are awesome, and they sound VERY good.

    THANKS for entering. You have to play for a chance to win, right? :)

    ENJOY your weekend.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

    1. From what I've read so far, both Kramer novels will be great reading. And yes, Elizabeth, Play to Win is the way to do it!

    2. :)

      ENJOY!!! I have never read a novel by Ms. Kramer, have you?

    3. No, I have not, Elizabeth, so thank you for introducing me to yet another new author!

    4. You are most welcome...let me know how they are.


  2. Terrific. Congrats on your wins Ruthi. I've read Julie Kramer in the past, so I know you'll enjoy these books.

    1. Kramer's new to me, Pat, so I am glad to hear someone else enjoys her writing!

  3. Congrats! I also enjoy Amish stories so would love to read that second one for sure.

    1. Thanks, Marsha. I love winning book giveaways! And yes, Shunning Sarah is an interesting book, so far.

  4. I love winning book giveaways too! They usually have such low entries, but the prizes are amazing! You can't get much better than a great book!

    1. I love them, too, Sharon! I just wish I would win more children's books!

  5. wow congrats I love to read and these books look like they would be the ones I would love to read

    1. Melissa, both of Kramer's books seem to be great reads. I think you might enjoy them.

  6. There is another giveaway on my blog if you want to stop by. I see you didn't enter yet. :)


    1. Oh, thank you, Elizabeth! I would love to win The Storyteller!

      Are you on facebook? If so, let's get connected there too! Here I am:


Thank you for your comments.
Blessings & a bit o' sunshine!