Monday, November 18, 2013

Need More Time To Read

I really do need more time in my days for reading all of the books on my reading and review list.

That said, here I go again with the addition of two more books to my TBR Books List.

Dog lovers and their children are going to love the book, Gracie The Undercover Beagle and her Sidekick Boston Blackie--The Egg Thief, by Douglas Quinn.

Having a canine friend of my own, I am really looking forward to reading this one.

My copy of "Gracie" is already on its way to me, as I am reading this children's book for review. Be sure to stay tuned to Ruthi Reads! for the rave review.

 Sky Tinged Red: A Chronicle of Two and a Half Years in Auschwitz by Isaia Eiger.
The second book to be added to my to-be-read list today is

I heard about this book from my friend, Susan Budig, author of Unfurled Poetry.


Share a book title you have on your TBR list. What tips can you offer me in finding and making more time for reading my stack of books?


Thank you for your comments.
Blessings & a bit o' sunshine!