Wednesday, July 20, 2011

No Greater Sacrifice WoW 100 Words

Last week I finished reading and posted my Book Review of Disrupted Lives. This week, I begin reading No Greater Sacrifice by author John C. Stipa, which while barely into the first chapter already promises to be an amazing journey of nearly 400 pages.

Today, I share with you from Chapter 1, page 17:

     Renee's eyebrows went up. "What do you know about this ritual?"
     "It is heresay mostly, but the ceremony was a rite of passage for religious students wishing to elevate their spiritual awareness. There were five stages. One of them involved purification--"
     "Purification?" Renee interrupted. She pulled away and stared intently into his eyes. "Of what?"
     "One's soul possibly?" Dimitri shrugged. "Why?"
     Renee hesitated before responding. Should I tell him? And then what, ask him if he thinks the ceremony might cure me? Yeah, right, that will sound sober. She moved back into his embrace. "Just curious. Tell me more."

Book bloggers are invited to hop along with us in this WoW Weekly 100 Words blog hop. Just snag the hop button and link for your blog post, add your post link and title to the weekly linky list provided in my weekly WoW 100 post. Although this is a Wednesday hop, you're welcome to hop in at any time throughout the week and share from the book titles you are currently reading.

I use The Word Count Tool to count my book excerpts. I type in the box provided, then once I have 100 words, I copy and paste it right into my blog post.


  1. WOW! That sounds like a great book! Pass it on when your done...please?

  2. Sorry Brenda, no can do ... My copy is a signed copy by the author; I keep all my signed copies of books. I love having the books I've spent my time reading keep me company... have a couple of yours doing same!

  3. problem.. I completely understand!

  4. I knew you would understand, my friend! I don't part with any of my books, never mind signed copies. But ... That is why I always include a purchase link in my posts here and I'm sure the authors appreciate book sales being generated.

  5. Question for the discussion: does the internal dialogue distract you? It's my style to put the reader into the head of the character, but I fear of violating the POV paradigm.

  6. Not at all, John. The internal dialogue seems to add a greater explanation to the scenes, as well as bonding the reader to the character on a higher plane. (At least, in my case.)

  7. That's good to hear. I took a 1-star rating on Amazon because this particular reader didn't like the back n forth debate style of dialogue that Renee and David get into throughout the story. I chose that style purposefully to build the conflict between 2 people obviously attracted to each other, but too scared to risk exposing their inner selves. As we all probably know too well, what we think but then say are often 2 very different things - often leading to misunderstanding and then, unfortunately, hurt.

  8. No issues from me on the dialogue. I like the back-and-forth between the two, as well as Renee's debates with self. No 1-star rating from me! Seriously, when I first began your book, I wanted to read it straight through. However, I'm kind of glad that I have a lot going on right now and my reading time is limited ... This gives me time between reads to digest what I've read more thoroughly.


Thank you for your comments.
Blessings & a bit o' sunshine!