Wednesday, December 15, 2010

WoW Weekly 100 Words 12/15/2010

The hustle and bustle of this past week's ToDo's hasn't allowed for much reading time, so I've concentrated on only one book this week.

Today, for WoW WEEKLY 100 WORDS, I'll share from Son of My Soul: The Adoption of Christopher by Debra Shiveley Welch, from Chapter 6:

     "I recalled those halcyon days on the farm and the long stretches of time when I was happy. That is how it should be. A child should be allowed to be a child and to be free to learn, to play, to dream!

     I decided then, that night, that I would never give birth! I did not want the blood of my tormentors flowing through the veins of my child! My father was more of a mystery than a true father. He had visited only a few times, and had usually shown up drunk. Obviously, drink was more important to..."

NOTES: I was offered this book title by the author through, where I am a registered book Reviewer. I'll soon finish this reading and post my official review.

And there you have it, my WoW reading share for this week! I can't wait to discover what words you have to share from the book(s) you're reading!


Hop along on the WoW WEEKLY 100 WORDS with me! Once you've created your post on your own blog, return here to ADD your WoW 100 post URL to the Linky list for this week and I'll be reading you!


  1. I like reading the snippets from the books you are reviewing. It exposes me to books I might not have noticed since my "to read" list is already roughly 5000 books long! LOL

    Great post Ruthi! Thanks

  2. I'm glad you enJOY the books I share, Kimber. Now, hop along so I can add to my reading list from your post! ...smiles...

  3. This sounds like you found another great read Ruthi! Thank you for giving a place to share our reads.

  4. And so did you, Cynthia, loved your share this week!


Thank you for your comments.
Blessings & a bit o' sunshine!