Wednesday, June 1, 2011

WoW 100 Words from The Book of Ruth

Have you ever run across a book you feel you should have read years ago but you've never even heard of the book until now? That's exactly how I felt when I first read the book title and a 100 Word excerpt on a blog post of The Book of Ruth by Jane Hamilton.

Of course, the title, which bears my name but has no connection to me at all, intrigued me and I felt as though I must have this title in my collection on my bookshelf. I jotted it down on my To Be Read list, but didn't think about it again until a couple of months later as I was creating my online wish list. Before putting the book on the list, I decided to investigate it further. I discovered it's quite a controversial book, in that it has received mixed reviews. Some think it a literary piece; others, they think its pages filled with nonsensical word jumbles.

In the end, intrigued by the controversy, I took The Book of Ruth off my wish list as quickly as I added it, by purchasing it before the list was even complete. It arrived this past week and although I've read only the first chapter, I am glad I made the decision to Buy Now as opposed to later.

I hope you'll enjoy the WoW Weekly 100 Words I share with you as I read this book title. I also hope you'll blog hop along by sharing your current read, too.

Reading from Chapter One, page 10, of The Book of Ruth (Oprah's Book Club):

"I wished then, while it was happening, that we could have stayed there at the kitchen table for about five centuries. I could have stood it that long. I wanted to preserve the scene, just as fossils do, keeping rare animals so still in stone. It took me several years to figure out that on that July night we were actually experiencing the gladness some people feel every day, not just once in a summer. I saw how it was with other people, because I watched the children in church, running to their mothers after Sunday school. I saw it..."


  1. This sounds very interesting! The little snippet is simple, well-written, and flows nicely.

  2. Hi Alison! I am so enjoying the author's writing voice in this book, and I'm enjoying the story so far, too. I think I'll be one of those readers who gives this book a great review.

  3. so sorrry about not posting this comment earlier...I tried to post it on Wednesday and couldn't. I love the book you are reading and have put it on my TBR.

  4. Sounds an interesting voice--the sort of book I'd read more slowly, which would give me a pleasant change of pace.

  5. Brenda, I think you would enjoy The Book of Ruth for sure.

    Sheila, I thought I would devour this book, but, like you, I'm reading it a bit at a time and enjoying every little morsel thus far.

  6. oh you make me want to read this book again, i haven't read it since junior high. i love the story of ruth. :D

  7. Stephanie, I am absolutely loving my first reading of this book!


Thank you for your comments.
Blessings & a bit o' sunshine!